Monday, 12 January 2015

Baking: Almond Butter Cookies

Hi Everyone,

I hope you are all had a lovely weekend.

I spent yesterday afternoon baking some "good for you" cookies. I brought a jar of almond butter recently having read loads online about how great it was I thought I would give it a go. I tried it and if I'm honest really didn't like it. I think maybe because I don't like peanut butter it was also unlikely that I would like almond butter.
So I searched out for a recipe to use the almond butter so it wouldn't go to waste. I found this amazing cookie recipe from Meaningful Eats.Click the link to check out the ingredients and method.

This is a really great recipe if you are trying to watch what you eat with only really the sugar and chocolate chips being the naughtiest ingredients in the recipe. The sugar is soft dark brown sugar which makes it slightly better and I got dark chocolate chips, I did unfortunately miss the note on the recipe to use dairy free chocolate chips, but the ones I got from Sainsbury's didn't seem so bad.

If you are going to try this recipe I would definitely suggest only using 2 cups for the oats, sugar etc. rather than 3 as it does make a hell of a lot. Following this recipe was really easy and simple.
One tip I have is not to worry with how sticky the mixture is. Having baked before this felt so abnormal that the mixture was so sticky I was very tempted to add some flour or more oats to thicken it up. But what ever you do, DONT. It does not need it once they are cooked they come out in the most perfect texture. Hard on the outside and chewy on the inside, and they taste amazing. I would actually go as far to say these are the best tasting cookies I have ever had. You would have no idea that they are healthy cookies and are just as good as any cookies you buy from a bakery.
Another tip would be to divide your mixture smaller than what I have. Unless of course you want giant cookies but I think I would of prefer to make them half the size and have more!!

Overall I am very impressed with this recipe and am super happy knowing that I can enjoy a delicious snack without having to worry too much about what is in them.

Below are some pictures with how I got on and the end result.

let me know if you give this recipe a go and how you get on?
Thanks for reading

Josie XO

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